Tag Archives: peace

It’s all coming back to you!


It’s been two years since my last post, and I’m sure I have COVID19 to thank for my ability to write today.

In January of 2018, I told you all how I was so happy to be in a process of restoration after having battled cancer and losing my late husband in 2016. Well, today I am remarried, a new mommy to a four-month-old, and living in my very first owned home! I have truly been restored in many ways and blessed beyond what I could have imagined.

Did I do anything to deserve this, NO. I just chose to believe that my Father in heaven desired to restore me and would. And guess what? He did.

As I was sitting enjoying one of the many perks of COVID19 living, online church service, I saw a vision of a boomerang, and I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “it’s all coming back to you!” Immediately, I began to get excited because if you are familiar with my blog, or know me personally, you know that I am a giver. I LOVE to give! In fact, one of the things that made me happiest in my worst times was giving. 

It’s interesting how life throws curve balls, but we have a choice in how we can handle those times. We can wallow in despair or be lifted up!

Did you know that all boomerangs don’t return to you, but the ones that do have a curve-shaped path that allows the boomerang to respond to the air by lifting itself in a manner that brings it back? There are some seeds you plant that aren’t meant to come back because they are meant to accomplish what they were planted for in someone else and it will be watered by others, but there are other seeds that come back and when they do it’s usually multiplied.

“Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7, ESV)

I stopped my workday to take a break and tell you that all of the sleepless nights, worrying moments, hard work days, grief-struck days, and obstacle field years have served a purpose. Life may have thrown you a curve many times, but TODAY those seeds you’ve planted (whether talent, money, time, encouragement, etc.) are coming back to you! God has heard you and He has seen all you have gone through. You’re reaping time is NOW.

Enjoy your day knowing that God has your front and your back!

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God can change your situation in seconds…

God can change itIt’s been a while since I’ve written. My life has had some pretty hard turns since the last post you’ve read. For those that are familiar with my blog, you know that my husband is battling Stage 4 Bladder Cancer that has spread to his lungs, and one day before Thanksgiving we found out it spread to his liver. To say that my family was devastated is an understatement because we were expecting a good report.

We just had a CT scan which revealed that the tumors in his pelvic area were shrinking and the ones in his lungs were as well. However, they showed two dense spots on the liver that they wanted to check. Yet, they didn’t believe the cancer had spread because they said it was rare to see shrinkage in one area and growth in another area. My husband had gained all of his weight back and he looked really good. We were unprepared for a bad report.

But something amazing happened the next day….

When we woke up, my youngest boy (who is ten) said to me and my husband, “you know what I am most thankful for?” I asked, “What?” He said, “You guys’ strength!” And then all three boys began to tell us what they were thankful for. It was in that moment that I realized the power of prayer and the faithfulness that God continues to show our family. We celebrated our Thanksgiving with smiles, laughter, family, and fun.

We decided as a family that we aren’t going to allow the doctor’s report to dictate what we believe for our lives. As I sought to encourage myself, I was lead to 2 Kings 7. It is a wonderful story about God changing things in a matter of hours!

In the story, Israel was in a war and famine. The king sought Elisha for a Word. Elisha told the king that this time tomorrow food will be selling for one piece of silver (2 Kings 7:1). The king’s officer found it hard to believe because of what things looked like. He said, “That couldn’t happen even if the LORD opened the windows of heaven!” (2 Kings 7:2, NLT) Elisha reinforced that the Word will definitely come to pass, and the officer will see it, but he will not be able to eat any of it.

The chapter goes on to talk about four men with leprosy that were outside of Israel’s gates. They assumed that their fate was death and were waiting at the gates to die. In their eyes they had one of two choices- to starve to death or to turn themselves into the enemy who was planning a war with Israel. They decided to do the later and turn themselves in to the Aramean army, whom the city was at war with (2 King 7:4).

As they prepared to go into the enemy’s camp, God was working behind the scenes. God caused the Aramean’s to hear horses and chariots coming. Because of this, they fled for their lives and left all of their goods and belongings (2 Kings 7:6).

When the lepers arrived the camp was deserted and an abundance of food, gold, silver, and goods were left behind. They were EXCITED and began to enjoy the spoils. As they were celebrating, they realized their blessings were too good to keep to themselves so they went to share it with Israel and the King. And it just so happen that things occurred just as Elisha said it would, at that time the next day food sold for a piece of silver, and the king’s officer didn’t eat any of it because he was trampled by the stampede of people trying to get to the goods at the gate (2 Kings 7:8-17).

What’s the moral of the story?

The moral is GOD CAN CHANGE YOUR SITUATION AT ANY GIVEN MOMENT! It didn’t look as if the end was going to be well for the four lepers or Israel, but God was working behind the scenes to bring His Word to pass!

What has God spoken over your life? Has He given you a Word for your situation, but things don’t look like they’re going to work out that way? Remind Him of His Word and believe! The Word of the Lord is SURE and it MUST come to pass! Don’t be like the king’s officer and miss out on the blessing because of doubt.

Things didn’t look good for the lepers. They tried to make their own way, but God had a plan for them.

I believe that God has a plan for you too; a plan to prosper you, not to harm you, and a plan to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11).

God gave our family a right now Word from a prophet none of us knew. He called my husband by name (in which we never gave) and told us that God is going to do a miracle in my husband. Everything around us looks different from that Word; in fact, things get worse with every report, but we have a choice. We can believe the doctor’s report, or we can believe God’s report.


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Jesus is Sufficient

Last Sunday, I preached a Word about Jesus being at the center of our lives and all sufficient. I came to this sermon out of the need I had to trust God in my current situation. Most of you have read about my husband being diagnosed with cancer, and with every passing doctor’s appointment the treatment options are not what we want to hear. I was led to a verse that blessed me during a hard week.

“He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together.” (Colossians 1:17, NLT)

At the time that the Colossian Church was formed, the city of Colossae was going downhill. They lost their economic power because of a bad earthquake that destroyed the city and competition in Laodicea (which was positioned better for trade).The city of Colossae and the church were considered over looked, and usually not considered “big enough” to receive a letter from Apostle Paul. 

But that church had a different focus! They didn’t focus on what was around them, they focused on what was above them? 

What is above? JESUS! Why does God want us to focus on Jesus? God wants us to focus on Jesus because Jesus is sufficient!

Now if you’re like me, you’re probably wondering, what does that mean? I’m glad you asked! If you look up the word sufficient, you will find several adjectives to describe the word. 

(1) Equal to the end proposed: earthquakes hit our lives just like it hit the city of Colossae, affecting our economy, our lively hood, our faith, our ability to stand…but Jesus is the proposed end. His blood made us victorious. “He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” (Colossians 1:17, NASB)

You’re not holding it together unless Jesus is holding you together.
You’re not walking in victory unless Jesus is walking in victory with you.
You’re not prospering in life unless you give up your life for Him.
Your marriage is easy to tear apart unless He’s at the center of it.
Your ministry is not effective unless God is at the root of it.

Jesus is our “END PROPOSED”.

(2) Adequate to wants or enough: The Word of God said hope deferred makes the heart sick. (Proverbs 13:12). It feels good to have your wants and needs met. We usually have to continuously seek a thing to be fully satisfied. Wouldn’t it be heaven just to have all our wants adequately met in a one stop shop for the rest of our lives on her? That’s what we have in Christ Jesus.

Jesus is our one stop shop!

(3) Ample: Jesus is Ample…He’s large in size, He is capacity, there is no greater than Him; and if we are in Him we have “greater in us”. So, that thought that you’re not enough is a lie because with Jesus you are more than enough….with Jesus you are at capacity.

You’re enough love for your spouse.
You’re enough of a parent to your children.
You’re righteous enough to have a relationship with God because Jesus is Ample!

(4) Competent: Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, and Jesus has all knowledge and full understanding. You’re educated enough for your career. You’re skilled enough for your job.

(5) as, provision sufficient for the family: The Bible says according to His riches in Heaven, all you need to provide for your family He has, and the instruction you need to obtain the finances you need for your family is, He has. He can and will provide for your family if you will surrender to His will and allow Him to order your steps.

(6) an army sufficient to defend the country: Praying for our country? Jesus is army enough to defend us! He doesn’t need 300 or more men. He is an army on His own. He is ruler of all…all authorities, all principalities, there is no other corporal ladder. He is the numero uno.

Jesus is enough and fully capable of handling all of our cares if we would make Him the Center of our lives, and the center of our church. Let’s focus on the things above (Colossians 3:3). Jesus is sufficient!

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Is your battery low?

I was reading my daily devotional, Pearls for Pigs, this morning, and one of my favorite scriptures was quoted. It reads…

“I  will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” (Jeremiah 31:25)

And I began to hear a song in my heart, Your Next in Line for a Miracle by Shirley Caesar. The lyrics of that song are so encouraging because it reminds you that although you may feel overlooked, your day is coming!

I wondered, if there was anyone out there who’s battery may be low. And by that I mean, are there any
weary spirits out there that need re-charging?

When our cell phone batteries run low, we hook them up to an electric cord, that we then place the cord into a socket that provides our phone with power.


Are you tapped into your power source today? 

The great thing about knowledge is that when you have it, you know what to do in certain situations. When your cell phone battery is low, you have the sense to charge it up. Why is it that, in spiritual matters we may know a thing; yet we won’t apply what we know to our situation?

If we have the foundation of Christ Jesus, then we know where and with whom our power source lies. Why do we allow the enemy to keep us from plugging in?

If you needed your cell phone and you knew the battery was low, you wouldn’t allow anything to keep you from charging your phone. You may have to wait until you can get to your car phone charger or your wall charger, but the point is you would get your phone to the source of power allotted for it.

Why is your battery low? 

Maybe you’ve been praying and worshiping, but the origin of your strength ( the Word of God) hasn’t been your priority, Your spirit man needs the Word of God in season and out of season…when you’re in battle and when you’re out battle…..when facing a trail and coming out of a trial. The Word of God is, and still remains, the cord connecting you to the Socket (Father God) your source of power.

It is the Word that fuels you, heals you, comforts you, confronts you, encourages you, rebukes you, and convicts you.

“It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'”(Mathew 4:4, NIV)

If you’re battery is low, get some where quick and charge it! Be like David and encourage yourself. Your breakthrough is coming! Your new day is not far off.

In the words of Pastor Shirley Caesar, “get ready for your miracle, move to the front of the line; today is your day, you’re next in line for a miracle”.

Charge that battery! God is working it out for your good. Believe only.

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To the Faithful

Image“To the faithful you show yourself faithful,” (2 Samuel 22:26, NIV)

Oh, there is something to be said about a faithful servant of God. David was faithful and had the heart of God. Yes, he sinned and fell short of the glory of God, but he knew to repent and turn away from his sin. Thanks to David’s triumph and valley experience, we are able to see the faithfulness of God.

Now, I know that God’s love is unconditional, but I believe that God shows Himself faithful of His promises to His faithful servants.

Think of your children (if you have any), when they have a need (like a pair of shoes) you meet it if you can afford to, or you try to find a way to meet it if you can’t; however, think about the times they did the things they were supposed to do in school or around the house, did you reward them for their faithfulness? Of course you did!

The Father does the same with us. So, when David says God shows Himself faithful to the faithful, I believe any need we have, according to God’s will, He is willing and able to meet it.

When I was unemployed, and we had one income in our household, God showed Himself faithful. You see, I am a faithful believer in the worship of giving and tithing. I tithed regardless of my financial status, because I desired to worship God in my giving as well as my praise Imageand life. Well, because I was a good steward over the little, God was a great steward over the abundance at His discretion. Our bills were never behind, we gave more than we ever had before, our children had everything they needed, we had a savings and an emergency fund, we paid a car off, AND we went on vacation. BUT GOD!

He was faithful to the faithful.

When I was sick and often felt weak, I never stopped praying and serving God. I preached His Word, I prayed for others, I served. In serving Him, he healed my body. He shown Himself as a healer to the faithful in need of a healing. His Word says,

 “to the blameless you show yourself blameless, to the pure you show yourself pure,” (2 Samuel 22:26-27, NIV)

In other words, if you are committed to serving Him and saved by grace, then God will show up in your situation when you need Him to care about the things you care about.

If you’ve been a faithful steward, He will be faithful over His blessings towards you and your family. If you’ve been an encourager, He will encourage you when you need encouraging. If you’ve been a faithful minister of His Word, He will be a teacher when you seek wisdom.

I’m not saying that God loves conditional, but I’m saying there are rewards for those who set their eyes on Him and press towards the mark.

What’s to be said about your walk? Are you faithful? Have you had your hands out only desiring to receive, but not willing to serve, give, and submit to Him?

David said in Psalms 31:5,AMP, “I entrust my spirit into your hands.” He exemplified total submission and trust! No wonder God kept David in the valley of a shadow of death, and saved him from his enemies.

To the Faithful, remain faithful, and expect God to move! This is your season for GREATNESS! He will reward you in open for all you do in secret…all you sacrifice that other’s don’t even know about…all you’ve suffered. You will have a harvest. Just wait and see what the ends going to be!


P.S. Have you enjoyed this blog? Want to read bite-size devotional nuggets to encourage you daily from yours truly? Check out my one-minute devotional Pearls for Pigs! Guaranteed to bless you!

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Can’t see the forest for the fire?

“But the Godly will flourish like Palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Labanon.” (Psalms 92:12, LAP)

Have you ever been at the point where it seemed like the world was on your shoulders? Where your chest is tight from anticipation and your mind is crowded from thoughts? No matter how hard you try to focus and activate your faith you just can’t see the forest from all the fires in front of you.

Well, I reached that point last week. It seemed like all of a sudden I felt the overwhelming pressures of the challenges around me. As the president of H.O.P.E, Inc., not only was it my financial responsibility to provide for my family; but it is now also my responsibility to provide for five other families depending on the financial help of H.O.P.E, Inc. to survive. Then, there is the weight of ministry, were the constant need to be in position was hovering over me like a cloud, and the responsibility of covering others in the mist of my own storm wore heavy upon me like a pile of wet towels.  And I can’t forget my duties as a wife & mother, caring for my husband as he battles cancer, being a rock for him during treatments while feeling neglected myself, and being that nurturer for my sons who look forward to mommy’s affirmation every day when I needed my spirit affirmed in the plans and purpose of God.

It had appeared that everyone around me was prospering, but I was standing still. I could not see the forest for all of the fires around me.   

But I learned something long ago as a child, I learned to pray and take my burdens to Jesus. When I was in sixth grade it was this girl that was a fair weather friend. She would choose which day of the week she wanted to be my friend (for no apparent reason at all), but me being a gullible, kind-hearted little girl wanting to please everyone; I would go home take out my pink children’s bible, that my grandmother gave me, and cry out to God. I would pray every night that she would be my “friend” again until she made up with me. God was teaching me then to P.U.S.H (pray until something happens).

“For just as sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort flows.” (2 Corinthians 1:5, LAP)

I’ve had many things spoken over my life and my purpose, but because of all the obstacles, setbacks, and tribulations my vision has been clouded many days and again…

I could not see the forest for the fire.  

Some of the fires I caused myself for getting in God’s way, and some of the fires God allowed; strengthening me to be who I am today. They were roaring & waging fires that I had to deal with in my life. When I started this blog post, I quoted Psalms 92:12.  Why? Because I read in the Life Application Bible that Palm trees are known for their long life and cedars of Lebanon grew to be 120 feet tall and 30 feet round…meaning they were “upright, strong, and unmoved!”

As believers if we are to “flourish like Palm trees and grow strong like cedars of Labanon,” we have to place our faith strongly in God, for He alone gives strength and vitality! God, Himself, is “robed in majesty and armed with strength.” (Psalms 93:1, LAP)

If God is for you, who can be against you? And if God is with you, who can stand against you! You are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus!

So, if you are blinded by disappointment and you can’t seem to see the forest for the fires in your life activate your faith and place your faith in what you know God to be capable of doing! His word says, He will not disappoint you and you will not be put to shame.

See beyond the flames because they who are in Christ Jesus will “flourish in the courts of our God!” (Psalms 92:13, LAP)

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